[Information] Change of video upload standards for regular channels

Dec 30, 2021


Dear Chainflix Members,
Chainflix is ​​continuously monitoring to provide better service to members.
Among the videos uploaded so far, there were many videos filled with the sincerity of the creators.
However, there were also meaningless videos with length playtime, and abusive behavior was also confirmed.
This update is a measure to protect creators who create their videos and to provide better service to viewers, so we hope for your kind understanding.
◆Change video upload standards for the regular channels.
Max file size per upload: 1.5GB and under 1 hour in length change to
1.5GB and under 30 minutes in length
※This policy is not for Flixer and Partner Channel
Chainflix will strive to create a pleasant and fair service environment
Thank you so much.
Best Regards
Chainflix Team




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